
Denise Corey Coaching Blog: An occasional blog on a wide range of topics including leadership, managing difficult work situations, and gaining new business skills.

Overcoming job search challenges


A number of my clients are in the midst of career transitions. The process of looking for a new job is challenging, whether the search for a new job is self-initiated or not.

I highly recommend reading Rebecca Zucker's Harvard Business Review article. She has identified four things that make the trip easier.

1. Know the hunt for a new job is a journey- it takes a while

2. Practice self-care, including meditation and journaling- those that journaled did better

3. Ask for and accept help from others- be clear about the kind the help you want

4. Maintain perspective- your job search is top of mind for you, further down the list for others

I hope you'll share this with anyone you know who is career transitioning. 

- denise